Graphing Secant and Cosecant Functions

Already knowing how to graph Sin and Cosin equations, you can easily graph Secant and Cosecant problems!

Step 1. Identify whether to start by graphing a sin or cosine. To determine this use the reciprocals of Secant and Cosecant. csc x=1/sin x and sec x= 1/cos x
Step 2. If graphing sin, start at an intercept. If graphing cosin start at a max/min. 
Step 3. Determine the Amplitude. It is the first number before the sec or csc. 2cscx just tells us that 2 is the amplitude so the graph goes up 2 and down 2
Step 4. Find the period. To find the period use the equation 2pi/b. The period will tell you the length of one full cycle of your graph, and give you the x-intercepts. Divide the period by two to give you the half point of one cycle. Divide it by four to get all your x intercepts.
Step 5. Graph either the Sin or Cos graph. The x intercepts are where you draw in your vertical asymptotes.
Step 6. Draw parabolas on the peaks and the troughs of the graph. Keep them within the asymptotes, and on the peaks the parabolas go up, and they go down on the troughs.   

This is a secant graph
This is a cosecant graph